Janice Dugas Online Visibility StrategistWelcome! I’m Janice Dugas, online visibility strategist and mentor. This is a site I have set up to share quality resources from trusted sources. I only recommend products that I am using personally or known about from trusted contacts.

These are business tools I work with, softwares supporting my online business, books I read, online courses and more. I couldn’t get by without them!

To find out more about me, please visit my blog at JaniceDugas.com/en  My goal is to teach as many people as possible how to create their own economy by leveraging the tools available online to create a profitable business.

If you have any questions about any of the resources, do not hesitate to contact me.

To your Happiness, Health and Wealth!


Disclosure: This website contains affiliate links for a variety of products and services. I will receive a commission if you buy through my links. (You will not pay more for buying through me.) Thank you for your support!



Best Books on Productivity

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